this is the second time Olivia (@Oliivaa-l) and I planned a shoot together. Unfortunately the studio, I booked, closed its doors. So we went to a hotelroom in Amsterdam. It had its limitations , but with Olivia a shoot is always a pleasure. A lot of different clothing gave great results.
Ashleigh and I had a lot of communication before this shoot. Finally I had the opportunity to shoot her at our home. Once and a while our house is a simple home studio. Ashleigh posed in a variety of styles, she showed how versatily she is: intense, romantic, just beautiful and funny. We made many great images in all these different styles, and atmosphere. It was a pleasure to work together and makes these wonderful images.
I tried to make a few different backgrounds and edits.
As a photographer from the low countries its a great to go for a remote shoot to a more mountainous country. You need an early rise to have a remote shoot with Australia's late afternoon.
Aim.model organised a shoot at a nature area in Sydney. She also invited Denisa Stratova for this double 1-1 shoot. The result is, despite the technical troubles, (Aim even went the next day again to the location to shoot another part), is amazing. Certainly in my opinion. The 2 models succeeded in posing at a couple of water spots. Both are versatile, elegant and flexible models. Images are in BnW and colour. Sorry they are not always in a chronological order.
I used our house as a kind of simple home studio and invited Noa (@noathemodel) for a shoot. Noa and I know each other for a couple of years. We had shoots at locations indoor, outdoors , studio and duo. During the shoots we have always a lot of talking, not only about photography, but also life in general, art etc.This creates a special atmosphere. So now I asked Noa for a home shoot. Our house has some beautiful morning light. I used some artefacts for our shoot. BTW Noa is a great photographer too
Irida (@irida_the_shapeshifter) is a very versatile and flexible model. We made this very quick, very short (10min), remote shoot a week ago. Irida changed very fast into a lot of poses using ideas I sent before. In this short period we produced a great number of wonderful images. Images are, as usual, in color and BnW, this gives sometimes a great difference in atmosphere.
Delaia, a Spanish model from Madrid visited Amsterdam on this Januari morning. it was one of the few sunny days in the beginning of 2025. Delaia brought the southern sun in the cold , grey Dutch winter. we had this shoot at LDR creative studio. As usual images in colour and BnW.
Rose and Leon are a great modeling duo. A couple of years ago I organised a duo shoot with Rose and Leon when they traveled the Netherlands. Now I had the opportunity to shoot them remote in a studio. They are wonderful to work with. Professional, easy going and they fit perfectly together. Despite technical problems with the studios hardware and Canons software , they stayed without stress and gave me the chance to make some great images.
Remote shoot with Ivory Flame and Halo Hanes at Tank Space both single and also duo. The floating fabric and hair and the soft colours gave me a dreamy feeling. The models did an amazing job to create this subtle beautiful atmosphere.,
Dana and I worked before. She is a trained ballerina and a wonderful model. Dana has this special elegance of a ballerina, with a subtle flexibility and innocence. I made a booking in studio 13, in Amsterdam. A light/ white loft where Dana moves like a feather. I made several edits in different styles, it is hard to choose.
This is the time of year I meet Lucy again, unfortunately just remote. Its always a pleasure to work with Lucy. This time together with Aim model. also Tristan accompanied the models. Tristan is more than an assistant, helpful, helping with ideas and much more.
Both models were posing wonderful in the light of the golden hours. The amazing background is helping to make it all even more beautiful.
Its worthwhile to get up at 6 and cover the distance to NZ, South Island, Christchurch, Birding Flats. Just enjoy.
Welkom op mijn website. je vindt hier mijn fotografie, vnl art-nude fotografie vanaf 2012. Veel van mijn werk bevat dus naaktbeelden.
Welcome at my website. You will find here my photography from 2012 until now, several aspects of art-nude photography. Much of my work contains nudity.
Ben Ernst.